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CrystalKiwi Suite

Purchase CrystalKiwi Explorer Viewer, Scheduler, and Bursting for Crystal Reports

Purchase licenses to convert your CrystalKiwi evaluation into the fully licensed, non-expiring product.

The CrystalKiwi software is available as a complete suite or as individual Crystal Reports viewer, bursting, and scheduler components.

Full Suite

CrystalKiwi Suite for Crystal Reports

  • Scheduler license for one computer
  • Bursting license for one computer
  • 10  CrystalKiwi Explorer report viewer named user licenses
  • One year of maintenance

Additional viewer licenses may be added to the shopping cart below to be combined with the Suite licenses.

Individual Components

Named User Licenses

CrystalKiwi Explorer Viewer is licensed by named user.  Please purchase one named user license for each individual who will use the software to view reports.

Named user licensing applies to both installation on individual PCs and use with Terminal Services / Remote Desktop and similar.

Optional maintenance includes all software updates or upgrades for one year.

Site Licenses cover unlimited users at one primary location plus up to 10 users at each additional remote location connecting to the primary location.
Please contact us for higher volume licensing or enterprise licensing.

CrystalKiwi Scheduler and Bursting are licensed per machine running the software.