Who's using ReCrystallize Server?

"I just installed the evaluation of your server product. It only took me 15 minutes to install and configure the basics, and I was already able to run reports from most of my databases! "

Michelle Bartow | Murray Ridge Center

"Works like a champ!  ReCrystallize Server is up and running in production! 
Your excellent help and support is much appreciated!"

Paul Poole | Memphis Police Department Real-Time Crime Center

"I really love the new recrystallize server, It works very well. I updated over 200 reports and put them out there for my users."

Dave Peterson, MCSA, MCDST | Association for Individual Development

"I am very happy with the software so far... It really is excellent."

Liam Betts | P.C. Howard Ltd.

"BTW, this is a great product...  this product is solving a lot of problems for us."

Paul Garrett | North Greeneville University

"We're testing all kinds of reports and they are working now. Much appreciated!"

Janice Zelnock | The Brick Township Municipal Utilities Authority

"We just completed purchase of recrystallize. Thank you very much for your help, and the great product."

Jack Perkins | Northstar Sourcing

"I've load-tested this server with 1500 printouts running to 3 separate printers simultaneously and it appears to work great!"

Dr. Paul Smith | Intermountain Lock and Security Supply

"First of all I would like to thank you again for the quick and effective response. This solution was simply excellent. Thank you very much."

Cristian Regazzo | Yaskawa Elétrico do Brasil Ltda.

"Loving the product... Thanks so much!! Your help is much appreciated."

Joe Pavicic | The Garland Company

Accuity Healthcare

Allied Surveyors and Valuers


Cessna Aircraft

City of Boca Raton

City of Bryan, Texas

City of Lawrence Police Department

City of San Bernardino

Davidson County Sheriff's Office

East Kentucky Power Cooperative

Epicure Pharam

Eurocast Sp. z o.o.

Fire Department of New York

GE Healthcare

Intermountain Lock and Supply

Martin Food Equipment





Mississippi State Department of Health

Morrison Textile Machinery

North Greenville University

Peerpoint Medical Education Institute

Printing Center USA

ProComp Software

Protectowire Fire Systems

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

Selkirk College



Swaggerty's Farm

Sweetwater Union High School District

The Trans Group

Viper Environmental System Designs


United Floral

US District Court District of Nevada

Yaskawa Elétrico do Brasil Ltda.